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Creating EIP-1271 Signatures with Safe-Safe: A Guide to Off-Chain Execution

As the Ethereum ecosystem grows, understanding how smart contracts are deployed and executed remains essential. In this article, we’ll dive into creating EIP-1271 signatures with Safe-Safe, a popular library for interacting with the Gnosis Safe off-chain wallet.

What is EIP-1271?

EIP-1271 (Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1271) is an extension of the ERC-721 non-fungible token standard that enables multi-signature transactions. This enables secure and decentralized data storage, making it ideal for use cases such as identity verification, governance models, or decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

Safe-Safe: A Simple Library

Safe-Safe is a widely adopted off-chain wallet that provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with various wallets, including Gnosis Safe. One of its key features is the ability to sign transactions using EIP-1271 signatures.

Creating EIP-1271 Signatures with Safe-Core

Ethereum: EIP-1271 signatures with Gnosis Safe off-chain

To create an EIP-1271 signature using Safe-Safe off-chain, you need to follow these steps:

  • Install the necessary library: Make sure that the safe-core and safe-safe libraries are installed in your project.
  • Create a safe account: Generate a new safe account using the SafeWallet library.
  • Configuring Gnosis Safe: Configure Gnosis Safe as an external wallet by following these steps:
  • Install the gnosis-safe package: npm install gnisosafe
  • Initialize the Gnosis Safe API client: import { SafeApiClient } from 'gnosis-safe'; const safeApi = new SafeApiClient();
  • Generating the EIP-1271 signature: Use the safe-core library to generate an EIP-1271 signature for a given address:
  • const signer = await SafeCore.signers.create('myEIP1271Signature'); const sig = await signer.sign({ from: '0x...', data: ... });
  • Storing and retrieving the signature: Store the generated signature in your on-chain contract or use it when needed.

Here is a sample code snippet illustrating this process:

import { SafeCore } from '@gnosisprotocol/safe-core';

import { SafeApiClient } from 'gnosis-safe';

const safeAccount = await SafeWallet.createAccount();

const signer = await SafeCore.signers.create('myEIP1271Signature');

const sig = await signer.sign({ from: '0x...', date: ... });

// Store the signature in your on-chain contract

await SafeApiClient.storeOnChainContract('myAddress', sig);

// Get the saved signature

const retrievedSig = await SafeApiClient.retrieveOnChainContract('myAddress');

Transaction Proposal from Safe-API-Kit

To execute a transaction using these EIP-1271 signatures off-chain, you need to create a transaction proposal using the safe-api-kit library. Here is an example:

import { SafeApi } from 'safe-api-kit';

const safeAccount = await SafeWallet.createAccount();

const signer = await SafeCore.signers.create('myEIP1271Signature');

const contractAddress = '0x...';

const data = Buffer.from([...]);

const gasPrice = 20;

const gasLimit = 100;

const proposal = {

from: '0x...' // Your address in the chain


const transaction = await SafeApi.executeProposal({










Creating EIP-1271 signatures with Safe-Safe is a simple process that allows for secure and decentralized storage of data. By following these steps, you can generate an EIP-1271 signature off-chain and execute transactions using the safe-api-kit library.

Remember to always follow best practices for securing smart contracts, including using secure wallets and storing sensitive information securely.